In the past, people with tattoos could only be Gypsies, but now, people don't call tattoos but call them artistic tattoos, so customers now range from players to students, civil servants. ...; From teen to old man near 60, young men and women are enough. It can be seen that body tattooing has become a fashion, developing into a custom baseball uniforms profession. There's an entire industry that supplies the full range of tools, inks, patterns and technology for the craft.
It is said that the concept of tattooing
has been much more open than before, but for those who have a classical opinion, tattooing is still something difficult to accept, even though on the street now, the tattoos are flickering on the back of the neck, behind the bare shoulders of the girls are not few.
There are 3 main reasons why young people want to get tattooed. The first is those of you who like to show off your personality and want to attract attention by being outstanding. "For these people, youth means dare to think, dare to do". Another group that can be mentioned is those who consider tattooing as a trend, stylish and modern. "There are many friends who have come to me and said: I want to tattoo something but I haven't thought of it yet, think help me," he said.

Most of these young people
cannot imagine being attached to something permanently in their lives, as well as the troubles and consequences that they will encounter in study and work. You only do it because you see people around you, your friends do it, your idols do it and you pay homage. There are many cases of people looking to tattooists with the baseball jersey desire to ... delete or fix old tattoos into new ones. Removing or correcting a tattoo then is actually correcting one mistake with another. Hieu's advice to young people who have tattooed for the first time is: "Love your body, think carefully before getting a tattoo and make sure you have mastered your life before getting a tattoo, avoiding the case that the tattoo does not work. affect your life, work and relationships…”.
There are also many people
who want to use tattoos to tell their story. With these guys, there is no concept of bad or good tattoos. Each tattoo with them is beautiful in its own way when associated with an important milestone in life. These young people are usually those who have had more or less life experiences and have more mature thoughts. The need for tattooing in them will therefore come naturally and be stronger. "Tattoos are not bad, it is important that the owner of the tattoo makes it worse or not" - Mr. Hieu concluded.